Hey Morgana wave...

Sorry I'm just getting back into this awesome story today. I've been a little bit swamped by RL, but things are settling down a bit it seems. I had some time this afternoon, and really wanted to start reading this story again.

What a great chapter! I LOVE all the details. How you paint the characters and the surroundings so wonderfully--it makes it really easy to picture the scenes playing out as I read. And I'm really enjoying seeing all the similarities and differences that you've incorporated into everyone. It's captivating!

Clark has arrived. He's in Metropolis, he has the job, he's in a relationship that doesn't feel right with Lana. I am waiting on pins and needles for him to meet Lois. How will he react? How will she react? I CAN NOT wait hyper hyper hyper!

Wonderful job smile

Last edited by LMA; 08/24/16 04:20 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~