What a wonderful first meeting notworthy...

I loved the reality of their few moments together. How they both know instantly that the other is unattainable (even though you can sense attraction wink ).And I really enjoyed how supportive Lois was of Clark's abilities--whether wood carving or 'super powers' Lois is always so encouraging.

I really liked that even Lucy was able to pick up on their interest in each other. That look Clark gets on his face concerning Lois--that dreamy in-love stare--is pretty hard to miss.

I'm so much enjoying this! And I'm intregued by really how young they both are when they come across each other. It adds to the uniqueness of this piece!

Lovely clap!

Last edited by LMA; 06/18/16 12:02 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~