ER: Oooh! Catching up
EW: Hey, me, too!
Oh darn. New part to read… wink

Then again, Lois’s last fiancé has a rapsheet that’s going to be way longer than Lucy’s ex boyfriend’s.
CLARK: One hopes.
LEX: Will see… /writes another check to an elected official/

Maybe they need to put up some of those ‘don’t shoot the aliens’ signs?
LOIS: /seriously considers this/
CLARK: Seriously?

So when other women start to snuggle up to Superman, steal a kiss or a grope, she won’t be mad at him?
LOIS: He's faster than a speeding bullet but he can't runaway from another woman's lips? /has kept the bullets from the bullet proof vest/
CLARK: Umm…I didn’t want to appear inconsiderate? After all, she *was* just traumatized by her kitten hiding up in that tree…

EW: I love it! I really should come to you for ideas! I mean, since you're not using them. /uses heavy duty 2x4/
[Linked Image]

How about: ‘Aren’t you dating Clark Kent?’ That way Superman wouldn’t be sullied by Lois’s attempts at sexual intimacy with a man other than her boyfriend.
Yeah, that's probably logical... but not as fun a conversation.
You sure? Because he just called Lois the sole instigator in that sex scandal.

Has it only been two episodes?
huh I thought…?

Gee, that would be a fun loophole.
LOIS & CLARK: Fun? For who?
EW: You!
LOIS: Oh, right. /has gotten ideas about martial relations/
CLARK: Speak for yourself.
LOIS: I always do.

Sorry, word play. In the previous sentence, she had thought what would happen if she called his bluff... which somehow dissolved in her mind to him calling to her in the buff. Hence, why Lois keeps getting distracted at work. All that word play.
Oh. Right. Duh!

And what happens once they do get married?
That's a good question. My Magic 8 Ball has said not to tell you.

Or she could keep her hands on Superman and they not say anything at all. Like ‘no comment’ to the pictures of Superman absconding with the romantic partner of Clark Kent into Chateau Roberge?
Yea, that would be bad for Superman's reputation.
See? Much better if Superman publically calls her a floozy for throwing herself at him while living with her boyfriend.

I had to drop in that plot, because apparently there's some terrific fic over on the Archives that uses it. Or so I've been told.
Wait? You *haven’t* gotten to There’s No Place Like Home yet?

Oh, no. Herb *never* told Clark that. He implied that there was no way to bring her into the future and have it end happily for Clark.
clap What I said evil

Clark's less of a nice guy within the confines of his skull.
Good thing Lois isn’t psychic, huh?

Um... no. Because he considers THIS as his logical explanation on why he can't recall a future, he never lived.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.