I'm so glad you wrote this! smile

YES--I, too, have always been amazed by Lois' lack of preplanning (to jump aboard a spacecraft heading into space ) for an article?!?

Clark rescued her/everyone from the bomb, but really, he saved her from potentially leaving the planet, also grin.

I love how you actually had her go into space--and face up to not checking the water level first notworthy.

Hmm....as for a 'return date'? Boy, I dunno. Having Lois gone for potentially 6 months really does change everything about the first season I'd imagine. How do you have HIM without Lois in the suite with Clark? Witness without Clark body-guarding Lois? ASU without Lois for Clark to remember again? The Rival without a rival for Clark's attention? But then again, I suppose the 'problem' in each of those episodes could probably still be solved in the end by Clark/Superman somehow. You just loose a lot of those classic 'moments' that create the backbone for Lois and Clark's friendship.

I guess, IMO, you just dive in. Pick an episode for her to show up in, vaguely update on any of the big changes that happened without Lois around so far, and then create whatever you want from that point on.

Great job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~