Thanks you two.

A sequel, well... that could be fun with a humorous one shot, or really, really involved... sort of like Wendy Richards' Strange Visitor From the Congo or even like Carol Malo's Connections: An Alternate Story if Lois got fired or laid off while she was on the station.

Since this would be a Lois not only not awed from the start but in full Mad Dog mode trying to get back on track after a forced 6 month sabbatical. I mean, I can't imagine the bosses at the Planet being too happy with her even if she doesn't also have Perry enraged at her carelessness... Add to that a Clark who's likely gotten more scoops in the interim (I'd place her coming back anywhere from ILTY to Vatman depending on if you use the revised May date for Never-ending Battle given in Super Mann or the broadcast date in September and how you date time in the rest of the episodes...) and whether or not Lex forgot about her after their one dinner. Heck, unless Lucy stuck around, she might even have lost her apartment...

Sara "Lieta"