I love all your theories and thoughts, VirginiaR! To me, a good story is one that makes you think, so when I see all the time you put into your comments, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right (and also that you're a very thorough reader, which is also really great because it keeps me on my toes). Thanks for the awesome compliment in saying that too much isn't revealed all at once -- I always feel like I let everything slip far too early, so this was a great treat to read! sloppy The flashbacks are fun to put in, especially since it's giving me an excuse to watch through the show again -- just to find the best 'flashbacks' to use, of course.

I'm picky about characterization too, AnnieL, so I love your comments. I try very hard to stay true to the characters that I loved enough to start writing in the first place, and I'm glad that Clark's hesitance makes sense. To me, when it comes to what Clark personally wants, he gets the mentality of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, where he wants to do the best thing and is always second-guessing himself on whether his desires and the 'best thing' match up. And we all know that when Clark starts overthinking things, it can lead to him getting in some pretty sticky situations! This IS a really sticky situation for poor Lois and Clark, which is why I immediately had to start writing it as soon as I thought of it (the weird, sadistic turns of a writer's mind, I guess). smile I love all your thoughts, but I hope you understand if I choose not to answer them!

So glad you're enjoying, Bean22! Tempus and Luthor together would be a pretty frightening team-up! I can, of course, neither confirm nor deny...

Wow, groobie, I really wish you had decided to say more than that you just liked it -- sounds like it would have been sufficient to keep my head swelled for quite a while! smile I am sorry about the tantrum, though; it's really not purposeful torture. There's nowhere near five chapters ahead on my computer; right now, I'm trying very hard to stay one chapter ahead, so...hmm, don't know if that will make you feel any better, though. blush

So many questions, Ultra Woman -- and there are answers! I, uh, just have to find time to write them all out...

Ouch, LMA, I know what it's like to go on only a couple hours sleep, so I do sincerely hope the chapters are worth it! I'm glad it's intriguing enough and that the twists are keeping you thinking (even if I do feel a bit bad for stealing sleep from you). Those 'glimmers of reality,' as you so aptly termed them, are kind of my favorite things to write so far, too.

Thanks for the encouragement, everyone!