Well...Hmmm. jump notworthy jump notworthy

You have me so confused, but also, so utterly entertained and intregued. It's quite the combo--especially sitting here, on the couch, with a cat in my lap, a quilt over my legs, and the reality check that being 2:00 am, my alarm will be going off in just a few hours thud ...And the honest realization that, really, I could care less about the sleep--if only I could just make sense of this situation! clap

To recap:

First chapter--figured maybe there was a bigger issue, but really just hoped for Lois being worried about her true feelings love.

Second chapter--worrying about world-ending problem that Lois is trying to fix, but fix by deeply hurting Clark shock (who she seems to be falling for by the moment wink ). Oh, and then there's maybe an amnesia issue? Quite potentially a time travel situation? And yes, let's throw in (I'm guessing) two bad guys--Lex and Tempus?

Things got sorta not good sorta really quick! evil wildguy devil notworthy

I'm finding myself tranfixed and living for those little glimmers of reality--where Clark lets himself feel what he is really feeling, where Lois is her unscripted, inhibited self. Where you can see them truly falling for each other.

I just hope the plot doesn't pull them apart in the meantime eek.

This is amazing!

Oy--and now to be caught up...waiting, impatiently pacing, hoping to be surprised with an early post grovel.

Last edited by LMA; 04/06/16 03:17 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~