Well, I have to admit, I pretty much threw RL 'stuff to do' out the window this afternoon and decided to dive into the amazing world of one of your stories grin. And I am so much all the happier for it! hyper

WOW!!! clap Just...yeah. WOW!!!

Your ability to take these characters, this story we all know so well, and create so much of an 'experience' while reading words on a screen completely puts me in awe. I am *already* so invested in where this Lois and Clark are heading. Can not wait for more!

And boy, where ARE they heading? evil I do not know. Part of me--like Clark--desperately wants this to be real...we know that they are made for each other, supposed to be together love. BUT...yeah. There are so many things to be suspicious of. I'm finding myself worried that it's some extremely evil Lex-capade of a plan. I'm hoping the suspicion warrants on Lois being totally confused internally about her feelings and is dragging Clark along for the ride of figuring herself out. Again, I just do not know!

But, yes grin !, it is going to be a blast finding out! hyper

Looking forward to it,

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~