Interesting read! Considering the emotional vulnerability here, I think your writing style works well.
I'm interested to see how this will work, since I always thought that despite her trust in Clark, the wedding fiasco was what really solidified it her ability to be open with him. How will the absence of this affect their relationship? Is this something either of them are ready for? Luthor was willing to do anything to get Lois's hand - I'm wondering whether he will end up trying to kill Clark/Superman, like he was already planning to do. What's another drawback, anyway? It only heightens the challenge.
Or is Lois part of a master plan of Lex's that he's scared her into? There are so many motives Lois could have that are unsaid.
A few minor things: I'm a little surprised that Clark wasn't more bitter in the beginning. I'm also not loving his stuttering, since he's usually so firm on his decisions.

I'm excited to see how it all turns out!

Last edited by AnnieL; 03/28/16 07:35 PM.

"I really do believe that we're all put here on this earth, or whatever planet we're put on, to do better than we think we can. To be kind, helpful, generous, and forgiving."
"You know something, CK? She's a class act."
"I've always thought so."