Back quickly to thank you all very much for your lovely comments! I'm so glad you're enjoying this. smile

As Ann said in the post that was a casualty of the boards' IP address changing, this is quite a change in theme from 24 Hours. goofy But it's Christmas, and that usually calls for something different. wink It was fun to write this predicament for Clark, and especially to do it all from Lois's POV.

And thanks for commenting on the present tense, Julie! I seem to be going through a phase of writing present-tense fics at the moment, some first person and some not, though all single-POV. It's quite refreshing and fun to write.

Anyway, in answer to some requests (hi, Pam! wave ), Part 2 is coming in just a few minutes. Thanks again!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*