This is weird. My earlier post is gone, as is the one of Ann's I replied to. /me shakes head and hums Twilight Zone theme tune. Oh, well.

Ann, you're making me blush here. blush You're so very, very kind. I promise you - and everyone else who cares - I'm not leaving. Taking a sabbatical from writing Lois and Clark, perhaps; as I've explained to a few people, I feel a bit stale. As you said, I've written more stories than anyone else in this fandom. I feel that I've covered practically every angle of the kind of stories I like to write, and I'm repeating myself. I find it impossible to be original any more, and difficult to be as enthusiastic as I used to be as a result.

So, yes, I'm playing in another playground, but it's very much part-time. I'm still reading here and on the Archive; I'm still chatting with my L&C friends in email and on IRC. And I'm sure that one of these days I'll get inspired again. I do actually have ideas for a couple of long stories. It's just that right now ideas and premises and lines of dialogue - in fact, whole passages of dialogue - are writing themselves in my head again as I go about my daily routine. And that's not happened for a very, very long time. Unfortunately, it's not Lois and Clark ideas and dialogue. But maybe one day it will be again.

I'll be back to say thanks for all your lovely comments on this story soon.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*