Wonderful job! notworthy clap notworthy clap

I really loved all the mutual insight. How honest, how true to their feelings they maintained as they talked everything out.

Everything on the table. Everything 'out there'. No secrets left between them...

It was really satisfying--their conversation went through ups and downs, hurts from their pasts, wants for their futures. You put detail into it, and enough length to (as a reader) walk away feeling really satisfied that they are 'okay' now. Better than okay, in fact--in love and starting an amazing future together love.

I really applaud you for digging into this timeframe in the show. You brought out a lot of much needed depth--from two people who went through a lot, hurt each other in the process, and rode quite the roller coaster of a few months.

You don't go back to 'normal' after almost consecutively dealing with loosing the job of your dreams, your best friend, confessing/realizing love, loosing the woman you love to your biggest enemy and almost being killed/humiliation nationally when you realize you almost married a celebrity psychopath. You adjust. Cope. Learn. Slowly move on.

Reality clap clap clap. Love this story for that smile.

Great job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~