Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: nivafrer FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/17/16 05:41 AM
Place for comments and seriously, y'all, give me your final pre-archiving issues.
Posted By: Annie B. Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/17/16 02:33 PM
I love this story, and it has a wonderful ending. No complaints here.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/18/16 12:02 AM
Well done! clap After all the arguing and hurt feelings, perhaps this novel approach peep was the best way for Clark and Lois to go. They were finally able to sit down (sometimes) and have a serious discussion about the truth (and any lack thereof). I much prefer this route to them dancing around each other all season and messing their friendship / relationship up more (and dealing with Call-me-Daniel and blonde A.D.A.'s).

Interesting discussion about Clark and his views on "being normal" and how worrying about such things makes him normal. What if he had concentrating more on how similar he was with humans instead of how different? Would he have grown up to be the same man?

Little things had begun making sense in the wake of Clark’s manuscript, and she had the feeling she’d be continuing to put things together for quite some time. It was still galling though to realize that she’d missed things even from the very beginning.
I like all these clues that suddenly become clear to her now that she knows the truth. They are like little jewels sprinkled throughout this whole part.

Not being able to tell anyone who he really was, to never be himself around anyone—it must have made him so isolated. She understood why Jonathan had been so paranoid, so desperate to protect the son he clearly loved, but she wished they’d been able to keep the secret without passing on all that fear to Clark.
How would this have changed his personality, I wonder, if it were even possible. They grew up in the cold war era. Fear was ingrained into his past from moment one when they hid the truth of where Clark came from. From the moment those strange men came around asking about strange sights in the sky, fear of losing him. Fear of what those strangers might do to their son. I don't know how they would've been able to raise him without the fear.

“Regardless, I didn’t handle Luthor well. I didn’t handle our relationship well. I didn’t pursue you as Clark, and then rushed you. I gave off signals as Superman. I knew I couldn’t have a relationship with you as Superman; it was just hard to suppress my feelings for you when I felt like you actually saw me whenever I had the cape on. I raised your expectations, and then rejected you—”
Good point!

“That’s part of it. I am a woman trying to make it in a man’s world,” she said.
It's amazing how blind many men are to the real struggles women had (and still have) to been seen as a professional equal.

“But it’s also not a style I’m very good at, and I’ve found that Perry doesn’t give me as many of those assignments now that I have a reputation for hating them. Anyway, I know I don’t tell you often enough, but you’ve always been able to move me with your words. It wasn’t the style of article that bothered me about the Kerths—once I’d thought about it, I realized it was a perfect article for you to have nominated because you care about the disenfranchised, and your writing is so perfect for highlighting their plight and getting people to really care about it. Like I said, I just freaked out because I thought the Kerth committee agreed with the gossip, and I used the fact that my article had a larger global impact to argue against it. I really do like that our styles complement each other.”
hyper She finally admitted it!

I love Lois's thought process here:
Having a relationship—a real relationship—with Clark was so much bigger than whether she wanted Clark or not. She knew she wanted him; she loved him.
She knew she loved him but not what she wanted to do with him once he reciprocated? clap This is so her; not having thought everything through to the end.

Great story! I loved this in-depth look into their feelings and getting over the little (and not-so-little) hurts. It's probably for these reasons canon Clark never quite trusted in Lois's love and that he actually believed that she would prefer Lex Luthor to him (during the whole ARGH arc). Only by exploring these issues can they know the full truth. By making Clark a bit less of a doormat, you've made their relationship all the stronger.
Posted By: LMA Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/20/16 07:32 AM
Wonderful job! notworthy clap notworthy clap

I really loved all the mutual insight. How honest, how true to their feelings they maintained as they talked everything out.

Everything on the table. Everything 'out there'. No secrets left between them...

It was really satisfying--their conversation went through ups and downs, hurts from their pasts, wants for their futures. You put detail into it, and enough length to (as a reader) walk away feeling really satisfied that they are 'okay' now. Better than okay, in fact--in love and starting an amazing future together love.

I really applaud you for digging into this timeframe in the show. You brought out a lot of much needed depth--from two people who went through a lot, hurt each other in the process, and rode quite the roller coaster of a few months.

You don't go back to 'normal' after almost consecutively dealing with loosing the job of your dreams, your best friend, confessing/realizing love, loosing the woman you love to your biggest enemy and almost being killed/humiliation nationally when you realize you almost married a celebrity psychopath. You adjust. Cope. Learn. Slowly move on.

Reality clap clap clap. Love this story for that smile.

Great job!

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/20/16 11:18 PM
Great ending to a wonderful story! clap thumbsup clap

The novel, Clark sharing it, Lois reading it and getting new insights, and the conversation clearing the air were all "super." peep .

Now they are moving forward, and it's wonderfully satisfying that they're moving together. love

What a fabulous journey you've told, while tying up the loose ends and getting all the misunderstandings and hurts in the open.

Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/21/16 01:32 AM
That was a very realistic ending. A very thoughtful conversation, made possible by the fact that Lois had had time after reading the novel to process the information and reflect on what had happened between them with that new insight into his perspective. Congrats on your first story. I hope we see more of you in this fandom.
Posted By: nivafrer Re: FDK: Ambivalence 14/14 - 01/21/16 04:36 AM
Thanks, people!! I've really appreciated all of y'all's comments! As I said in the beginning, I mostly just needed some folks to care if the story got done--I wouldn't have finished it nearly this soon without you guys' encouragement!

Virginia, I want to know that too! What would it have been like if Clark had known he was different his whole life and been able to focus on the similarities instead of thinking he was the same and then having his differences thrust in his face when he went through puberty? Yeah, I don't think it would have been possible to raise him without instilling fear, but it'd be nice if it were... And seriously! I don't see how either of them could have trusted each other/each other's love without actually hashing through all this. Too bad the show authors didn't do something other than the ARGH to manage it!

Thanks, Laura! I agree! You can't just move on. I love that you called Lex a "celebrity psychopath," btw. I am all about writing the angst, so I love this timeframe smile

Thanks, Cuidadora! Glad you think I've wrapped up my loose ends smile

Thanks, Susan! I really have no idea about writing more L&C. I'm going back to working on the things I actually get to publish. It's possible that I'll write more when I'm in between books or if I get sick again. I've really enjoyed getting to write this fic and interact with all of you lovely folks though!
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