Thanks, guys! I really appreciate y'all continuing to read!! I love that y'all are opinionated about this. It's fun to see smile

Virginia, they started following Dr. Kelly because of that tip from Bobby that Dr. Carlin and Dr. Kelly had been seen together, and that led to finding out that ACL had been paying Dr. Kelly, and since I think it is absolutely ridiculously unlikely that they would ignore the whole Lex's missing body thing, they're connecting those dots. I know they had to do it that way because it's TV, yada, yada, yada, but it never made sense to me that they never even hint at L&C looking into the missing body. Oh well, whatever. And, personally, I think Clark's reacting normally for someone who has that disconnect between their heart and their head. He's trying to self-protect, but he knows that he still loves Lois, so he's even colder in response. In his mind, he can't let himself end up in that mess of rejections that he was in before, he can't let Lois "control" him again, if that makes sense, and he's fighting himself more than he's fighting her. But, just like Lois couldn't see Lex properly because of her junk, Clark can't see the changes Lois is making in her character because of all the junk with BATP/HoL and the various other unaddressed issues--e.g., how Lois has compared him to Superman. And I think it's normal for people to treat their friends worse than strangers they dislike when they're hurt--although I don't think he's treating Lois badly per se: he hasn't yelled at her, he hasn't been mean, he's just inaccessible because he's hurt. The main thing I wanted to do with my story is to let Clark be human--yes, he's Kryptonian, but he's a person.

Mike, I so agree! Love and forgiveness do go hand in hand. But think post-modern, as in how people hold contradictory beliefs simply because they don't realize they're contradictory. All that illogical emotional junk. He'll get there smile Nothing like almost losing something to make you re-think wink

Thank you, cuidadora! It drove me nuts in the series that Clark gives and gives and gives and trusts and trusts and trusts without ever having a chance to just be hurt and broken. I mean, on the one hand, it's something we all love about him and all want in a partner, but c'mon, it's not the way things are in real life, and frankly, I find it enabling to just let someone continue in their bad habits. If we saw someone like that in real life, it'd be cause to encourage them to see a therapist because obviously they're so scared to lose the relationship that they're losing their own identity--or something along those lines. It's canon where she stopped the wedding. I said that somewheres... I think when Perry and her are talking when he's about to send her to Dr. Carlin and she talks him out of it. Anyway, just like in canon, Clark does not know that Lois stopped the wedding. That's an interesting question. Are you talking about the trust issues she has as in the trust issues she has with everyone or specifically with regards to how Clark is treating her now or with him because of the Superman secret or something else entirely?

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)