Thanks for the enthusiasm, guys!! Super fun to hear!

I can't remember if I've said this somewheres before (I should have if I haven't), but this fic runs through Wall of Sound, and we all know how that episode went, so yeah........ personally, I'm excited because I think it provides a necessary push for them to come to some realizations, especially about them together (vs. themselves individually), but don't break out the champagne yet. wink

I really love that Lois got to come around some too! It's so great having her actually be aware of how one-sided their friendship was before, even if wasn't exactly on purpose. I mean, we all know it's just her self-protective mechanisms, but she seems less than aware that they hurt other people.

I just started writing what I'm pretty sure is the last chapter, btw, just as an update in case y'all are still worried about the unfinished quality of this fic.

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)