Virginia, I so agree! And that whole two months vs. instantaneously thing bothered me too, but I was trying to strike a balance between the day he was without his powers after being exposed in Smallville vs. the cage when the show portrayed him back on his feet the next day or so. My thought process was that the cage was days of exposure vs. seconds and I figured he could build up a bit of tolerance. Glad you enjoyed the sorta fix for the ending of that episode--that action sequence drove me nuts! So did the whole "Clark just assumes there's no danger and lets Dr. Carlin shoot him/hit him with a car/etc." thing in the show. I tried to give him at least slightly more self-preservation than a gerbil smile

Communication is so key, isn't it? smile Well, Annalina, I have thought that once I actually finish writing, I'll up my posting to twice a week, which would make the wait feel shorter. But yeah, I think I said in one of my earlier posts, I believe fixing an ambivalent relationship takes becoming a different person in addition to actually apologizing for your part in creating it. Change takes time. Thanks for the encouragement!

Sorry, Laura. The real conversation happens, I promise! wink Yeah, Lois doth protest too much as far as her instincts go! I think it really shows how desperate she is to prove to herself that she still has 'em. And IMO, the other side of that sweet, easy-going type of character Clark has is to just shut down when they're really injured. So yeah... they're both annoying. Too bad you can't shake fictional characters, eh?

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)