It seemed for a moment--when Lois honestly told Cark how she felt, that she wanted to talk to her best friend--that maybe, just maybe, a real conversation was going to occur. I was hoping, anyway wink.

Argh--I'm not sure who I am most frustrated with. Lois and her 'instincts'--which, from Clark's view, would be really irksome to keep hearing about (considering the mess of Lex/not listening to Clark about Lex). Or Clark--who is so closed off, it isn't possible FOR Lois to reach him.

I'm glad that Clark is trying to put himself first--mend his issues before jumpin right back into Lois-Mode...but--he's also, it seems, the main one driving them apart.

Laura (who is sorta missing her most of the time happy-go-lucky Clark character...)

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~