
I am glad Clark finally let go a bit of his frustration! I wish it went further, they really need to clear the air.
I am frustrated with Lois calling all the time on her instincts. I can understand that Clark doesn't feel like relying on it when she failed to see who Luthor really was, and that most of the time her instincts put her in danger! However it's what makes Lois the excellent reporter she is.

Their problem really comes from their lack of communication, and they are both responsible for it.
I empathize with Clark who doesn't feel capable yet to confront Lois, but at some point he has to stop to act a bit cowardly and confront her.

Virginia has a point about Lois' feeling towards Superman. Of course, she still has feelings for him. And Clark should understand it. It goes back to the usual dilemma about being upset about Lois' feeling and the fact that Clark voluntarily deceived her on making her believe that Clark and Superman are two different people. How could she be able to reconcile the two then?

I would have said Lois is the one who is gonna force them to finally talk, but she doesn't seem here to be more forthcoming than Clark! At this pace, it promised to be a long wait ... hopefully not.

Another interesting part, eagerly waiting for the next!