Thanks for the reviews, guys!! Super fun, as always laugh

Annalina, sleep deprivation is always a valid excuse in my book wink I'm glad you enjoyed it though! I get frustrated that we don't see a lot of acknowledgement from either Lois or Clark that they both have valid viewpoints/concerns/wounds, so I wanted to do something about that.

Virginia, I love that you said Lois was going to stop asking Clark to hang out because she'd moved on with her life while he was journaling--I have this picture now of Clark sucked into journaling every night for the rest of his life, not even noticing that Lois has moved on. smile It'd be nice it was actually that easy, wouldn't it? Move on just because the other person is busy... I think there's plenty of room for all the angst to stick around.

Mike, thanks for posting the FDK. Obviously, I'm clueless about all this. Thanks for you review--definitely the type I love to hear! I think it is a ridiculously complicated situation. Personally, I think any time you have this much conflict in a relationship, there aren't really any "right" sides of the argument. People are just broken and messy, and relationships can't help but be likewise since they're comprised of people. So, yeah, I'm trying to write a more messy, realistic resolution to the whole BAPT/HOL arc. And, sadly, neither Clark nor Lois are quick studies in the relationship department--it makes sense when you realize how inexperienced they both are in real, healthy, trusting relationships.

Laura, lol! My daughters loved the emojis. I agree. It is sad. And seriously!! Those were gargantuan issues to just sweep under the rug. I still don't exactly understand (other than the whole "suspension of disbelief" expected of TV viewers) how we're supposed to accept that L&C are able to have a remotely healthy marriage without dealing with all that junk.

Thanks for the review, Groobie!

HappyGirl (&Virginia) I actually see it as a both/and. Ambivalent relationships are a pain and a half in my experience. I agree that Clark has to make the decision for himself (I actually just wrote part of that section, and I have to tell you, it made me inordinately gleeful to see him make that decision and why he does it). But, in my opinion, whatever introduced the ambivalence in the first place takes both parties to resolve, which means some kind of--um, I'm drawing a blank on a good term here--sign or movement towards reconciliation on Lois' part as well.

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)