Darth Michael: Thank you for commenting. Sorry for the delay in responding. I spent my free writing time working on the next plot arc instead of responding to FDK. Now that the kids are back in school, I’m hoping to be faster at replying.
BENDER: Mr. Luthor had standards. He would only allow hiring lawyers who had never been caught cheating on a test or with the dean’s wife.
LEX: You found Bender? Terrific! Now, kill him!
EW: Sorry, Mr. Luthor, but Bender is still missing. Although, Lex did have to let some lawyers go for being caught overbilling their employer and for skimming profits off the top. Their bodies are still missing.

Poor guy. Lois really needs to touch him more on the thigh to desensitize him. What if Superman’s needed in the next couple of minutes?
CLARK: Actually, funny thing, I breath better in space than next to Lois.

JUDGE DAVIS: And if the couple in the third row in the back won’t stop coupling right this minute, I will hold both of you in contempt of the court!
BABY RAGE: Aw, Judge, let them have one last time before they die.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 215
Something about skin-to-skin contact with Lois seemed to relax them both.
ER: /has a solution! A naughty solution. Okay, he’ll share it. It’s a VERY naughty solution. Lois and Clark should take up smoking and sharing the smoke through kisses/
Uh. No, I don’t think so.
JUDGE: No smoking in the courtroom!
CLARK: I can’t help it, your honor. My partner is just too hot!
EW: [Linked Image]

/points at why there’s usually a two or three week honeymoon period after the wedding/
CLARK: Thanks, man. See, minha, even Micheal agrees we should get married first.
LOIS: mad

So, Clark should show up dressed in a Superman costume for her birthday and remove said costume slowly and to rhythmic music?
Or Christmas. It’s already October, so her birthday won’t be up again until next Sept.
LOIS: I’d take Halloween, too!

I’m wondering what he’d do if Lois actually kicked him out of her bed one night for such a remark.
Cheat on Clark with Superman?

LOIS: a) yes, it’s very rude to not eavesdrop and b) flattering but still very unprofessional. He will need a spanking later.
MAYSON: /fingers in her ears/ numb. Numb. I can’t hear you.
MIKE, JUDGE, SNELL, BABY RAGE: But the rest of us can. Quiet in the courtroom!

Did you know that that’s actually bullhoey about the missed Miranda Rights reading making the entire arrest unlawful? Fun fact about just how true to the fact television is. That and the gene tests taking only an hour or two, if that. Or being accurate more than…dunno…10% of the time?
Practicing law isn’t something I’ve ever interested in doing. I did know that DNA tests should take more time than it seems to take Abby, but maybe that has something to do with backlog.

Or that the DP headline in the morning would read ‘DA office messed up – arsonist went free’ and the blurb ‘ADA Mayson Drake was suspended for gross negligence, severe incompetence, and blatant attempts at boyfriend stealing.’
DA: We actually don’t fire people for stealing boyfriends, unless abduction is involved.

As opposed to the defendant swearing that he wasn’t read his rights?
American justice system for ya!

Hmm…I’m thinking the comma’s a tad excessive there.
You might have noticed, but I do have a tendency to do things excessively. [Linked Image] Thanks. Fixed.

Kitten? /peep/
No. I think Mike called her ‘Tiger’.

There should be a possessive there.
Thanks. Fixed.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by WC 215
“Superman locked Baby Rage in a dumpster?” she inquired.

“Not literally, Lois,” Clark replied,
/confused/ Did he put Lois in a dumpster in part…uh…80?
No, Part 80 was follow-up after Project Shock Wave. They were unofficially officially dating (undercover), so I doubt he would want to throw her in a dumpster during that time. I think you meant Part 42, but it didn’t happen then either. evil

So Superman damaged either public or private property to wrongly imprison an innocent bystander who just happened to walk by when a negligently left-open gas pipe ignited?
No wonder Mayson doesn’t like Superman.

I’m *not* going to go back and check that one out right now. But…hmm…they almost did get cursed when they were caught in the Metro Club, so…/huh/
Whether or not they would have been cursed for going where they wanted to in the supply closet of the Metro Club is currently up for debate.
CLARK: huh It is?
LOIS: No, it isn’t.
EW: Maybe they were cursed with Lex Luthor because they didn’t. [Linked Image]
LOIS: Oh, that totally makes sense.
CLARK: That actually sounds reasonable.
LEX: I think I was just insulted.

Ahh…see…? Also, this Clark was quite forward with Lola Dana in the club. Almost had to pay a 1000 bucks for the pleasure, too.
CLARK: Only 800 bucks. Employee discount!
Actually, no employee discount as new hire bartenders were supposed to keep their hands off the merchandise.

CANON CLARK: She deserved it!

ER: /suggests Clark invests in the driverless cars/ Beep. Beep. Beeeeeep! Beep-Beep. Beeeeeep!
You do recall what happened to this [Linked Image] driverless taxi, right?

Well…she does want to jump his bones so shouldn’t she respect his Clark side?
LOIS: Since when is respect a prerequisite for it?
CLAUDE: /huh/
Claude respected Lois’s writing/reporting ability enough to steal her story.
LOIS: Okay, I respect Clark enough as a reporter to sleep with him. /holds up finger to stop you from interrupting/ That doesn’t happen all that often.

Yeah…about that one…
EW: /points to self/ I know. I know. A writer, not a scientist, but even I know that one. lol

Couldn’t Superman also stick the radio isotopes into Snell’s briefcase or pants pocket or something and then show up in the Southside?
He could, but he has more morals than to do that to anyone.
LOIS: Here, Jimmy, give me that thing we dug out of your arm.
TOMORROW’S DP HEADLINE: Snell and four other inmates died in prison escape when someone fired a cruse missle into the Metropolis Jail last night…

And then she’s look like a bitca.

Sorry, Michael, have to run off to work. TBC...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.