Another wonderful part, DC notworthy...

And so real, so relatable.

I had really uneventful pregnancies, both full-term, running late--my daughter arriving on her own a day before being induced, and then two years later, my son arriving via being induced. Both were natural births, both fully taking advantage of an epidural smile.

My biggest issue--for both pregnancies--was sciatic nerve pain. The sciatic nerve pain was only random and overall pretty tolerable with the first pregnancy (my daughter). With my son's pregnancy though, I was a mess. I spent almost 8 weeks--months 7 and 8--in tons of pain, radiating down my leg. Could hardly walk, couldn't sleep. It felt like a lightning bolt was pulsating down my right leg every few seconds night and day. Nothing could get rid of it...walking, sitting, laying down, sleeping. And...I had a busy, almost two year old to take care of--and a house full of gates to climb over--to boot dizzy. I was told that the only 'cure' was the delivery of my son--that the baby's head was sitting on the nerve--but thankfully my son shifted on his own and one day it all vanished at the end of month 8. I tell you--sciatic nerve pain--that was the worst thing I have ever been through. It was scary how all-consuming the pain was for those few often on the verge of tears.

But even though my births weren't very similar to the story, the general 'feel' of being in the hospital, all the unknowns, all the changes/challenges, really did bring back a lot of those 'moments' for me. Becoming parents--what a life-altering event.

And--we had a horrible thunderstorm the evening my daughter was born. We were on the 8th floor of the maternity ward, huge windows in the room. The storm--lightning/thunder--seemed like it was right outside of that hospital window. Flashing shadows into the room. Creating more uncertainty as we waited to meet our daughter...

Really love the story--awesome job! hyper

Last edited by LMA; 07/20/15 04:31 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~