WARNING: This chapter contains a character death!
Spoiler alert, there, Feli! How about putting such things in a spoiler box, so not to ruin the surprise for the rest of us who expect henchmen to die (especially Lex's henchmen).

“You keep that in your shoe?” There was a trace of his usual humour in his voice.

“Why do you think it takes me so long to get through Customs?”

That was pretty smart thinking of Lois to have lead foil in her shoe. I'm not really familiar with the substance, but wouldn't it be heavier than tin foil? Does she put it in all her shoes? wink

The element of surprise only worked in Clark's favour for a few moments. While he was somewhat restored by the sleep and the sunlight, he was only as strong as a normal, human, male. His adversary not only had the benefit of years of martial arts training, but he fought with the strength of madness.

The fight was brief but vicious, the two men trading kicks and punches as they both vied for the upper hand.
Um... Lois has years of martial arts training as well. Why doesn't she step in to relieve the tiring Clark? Wouldn't saving them be more important than not stepping on his sensitive male ego? (The only reason I can think of for her to just stand there.) Just wondering.

“Thank you, Henri. I knew I could count on you.”

He held out his hand for the gun and Henri handed it to him.

“But no one threatens Ms Lane.” As he spoke he fired one shot into Henri's abdomen. The big Frenchman toppled out of the container.
If anyone had doubts about Lex's sanity, he kindly reassured everyone with this scene that there wasn't any left.

“Where is Luthor taking Ms Lane?”

“Can't ... tell you” the dying man gasped out. “He'll ... kill me.”

“He already has.” Clark stated bluntly. “Even if I could get you to a hospital, it wouldn't make a difference.”
Good point, Clark.

Clark leant back, still keeping pressure on the gunshot wound. Chamonix was a small town high in the Alps, near the Swiss border almost 400 miles away. Somehow, he had to get there before Luthor, or he knew Luthor would disappear into the fortress he'd mentioned to Lois.
How exactly, indeed. Luthor has a head start on him and Clark has no powers.

What happened to the Kryptonite? Does Lois still have it? Does that mean that Luthor has it again? Does Clark have it? Or was it accidentally left in the shipping container?

I really liked the tender scene between Lois and Clark in the shipping container. Very sweet. Too bad their plan didn't account for Lex coming with backup. Can't wait to see if they make it to Switzerland or if they remain in Paris (as the title suggests they will. wink ) I really like your action sequences. Well written.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.