Originally Posted by groobie
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Let's hope there's more to Lois's character than what they showed in the preview, which seemed to be as Clark's girlfriend. /cue eye rolls/
That was one of the MANY objectionable things in MOS for me...she was Superman's girlfriend, not Clark's. I'm not a Superman fan - I'm a Lois and Clark fan. And it's easy to understand why...the fundamental choice that DJL made - this was a show about the adult relationship between Lois and Clark...Clark was the real person. I couldn't stand it when Lois was fawning over Superman in MOS...of course, I couldn't stand most of that movie, because it was everything that L&C is not. So I can't imagine wasting either my time or money on a version of Lois and Clark that I fundamentally don't believe in.

Even the scene between Martha and Superman feels wrong - it's just doesn't have that homey feeling that K and Eddie and Dean brought to the roles. There just feels like a disconnect on screen, that these characters don't relate to each other in the right way.

Love John Shea's portrayal, drool over Michael Rosenbaum...so WTF did I see on screen in this trailer??!! Don't understand this Lex (based on the admittedly limited info offered) at all.

I'm wondering if "family" is referring to the Wayne Enterprises family (i.e. everyone working for the company) that was killed rather than the literal meaning of the word. If people personally close to Bruce were killed in the outrageously unjustifiable destruction caused in MOS, then of course that would be a powerful motivating factor for the bizarrely-cast Ben Afleck to work through (can't see him as Batman at all...though I could potentially buy him as Bruce).

1. That's why I loathe MoS. It's the anti-L&C.

2. I want to slap this Martha, with her "F the world" attitude. There had better be more to that scene that just "you don't owe the world anything" nonsense. Yes, Clark doesn't owe it to the world to use his powers to help, but the flippant attitude about it is just plain wrong.

3. I'm still trying to figure out the Lex thing too. My husband said to me "I didn't even know that was supposed to be Lex until the trailer was almost over." Not loving the creepy wealthy kid vibe. He should be a smooth talking business man.

4. I have a theory about the "he killed my family" thing. I think Lex won't be the only villain in the movie. I think Bruce will have to face someone else (maybe working with Lex) who killed Bruce's parents.

5. Xena wore Wonder Woman's outfit first AND she wore it better.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon