I'm with Annie. The first teaser trailer I saw looked entirely too grim for my tastes. I don't know whether it's just that I've had time to put it in a proper perspective, whether I have downwardly adjusted my expectations, or whether the new footage in this trailer has changed my mind -- I suspect it is a combination of all three -- but I am definitely more hopeful about the movie than I had been when I saw the first trailer. Although I had wished for this movie to be a *Clark Kent (and Superman)* movie rather than an assemble-the-Justice-League movie, I am glad that they are making it refer back to MoS. I hope they go a lot more into Clark's personal reactions and emotions arising from the events of that movie (especially of Zod's death), but whether or not they do, at least they are going into the world's reactions to it.

Since the movie is opening in March, I probably wouldn't be able to see it in the theatre, even if I wished to. (I can only see movies when my son is in school and I am not, since I don't have anyone to provide me with respite.) I will, however, be eager to hear people's reactions, and I am now thinking it quite possible that I'll buy it once it is available for downloading.

Thank you for sharing that link, HiddenMoon.
