Originally Posted by LMA
Wonderful job! smile

It was so interesting seeing Henderson go bit by bit, piece by piece, and put the puzzle together. You wrote it up so realistically--the thought process--that I could really see how he could come to the conclusion all on his own. The lack of blood (huge clue), but also the condition of the bullets (great thought process), etc.

I loved how Henderson didn't come to his conclusion from the physical resemblence btw Clark/Superman, but that that point was made secondary.

And I found it really gratifying that he was able to understand Clark's predicament--feel for him--and know what is/isn't in his place to do.


Hi, Laura!

Glad you liked it! It was fun to put myself in Henderson's shoes, and look at the lack of evidence surrounding the murder. I've never really seen it done before, where the lack of blood has caused Lois, or anyone else, to start wondering why that is. I'm sure there are some out there, but I don't think I've really come across any.

And it was fun to really take the evidence as a starting point, only to eventually get around to the resemblance between Clark and Superman. It felt like a natural progression to me.

Thanks for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon