Exactly what makes Clark so special:

I want to fix all the broken pieces of her heart, to mend all the hurts she carries within the privacy of her soul. I want to right all the things that are wrong in her world.

I want to be her world.

She's already my universe.

notworthy thud love To be loved like this. Wow. My WAFF-meter is off the charts smile.

Probably my favorite part about Lois and Clark's relationship is the connection they find. How they both really have never been able to be themselves--always hiding, in some form or another--from others. The fact that they find in each other a way to unlock themselves, better themselves, is so beautiful. So moving. That is so much why I think Clark is drawn to Lois immediately. He senses how she is hiding, how there is so much 'underneath', can relate to that, and knows how similar they really are.

I think it's everyone's dream to find the person they are meant to be with. Their journey--Lois and Clark's--is so much sweeter because of the long road it took to find one another.

You picked up on their love so well throughout this piece. How intimately Clark knows Lois. How deeply Clark loves Lois. How life-changing meeting Lois was for him.

Completely beautiful. Amazing clap

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~