This is both different AND very interesting. Lois has some real decisions to make here. Clark does too but he is pretty clueless to that need. The idea that Lois figured out C=S is not a real stretch given they both left at the same time and her relationship with both went to hell at just about the same time. Plus she did not have Clark (or Dan for that long) to distract her in her analysis.

I like the way that you are exploring both the relationship and the investigation fully. Sometimes one gets the short end of the stick at the expense of the other. I also wonder how long before Clark drops the I am not working this as that is not what I do anymore and I have to be in Vienna thing and gets fully involved as this could be a BIG story and Lois does not know Paris...

I love the direction you are heading and look forward to the next chapter.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham