Originally Posted by Annie B.
It's interesting how passionately people feel about deathfic in this fandom. I've written stories in a number of fandoms, but I've seldom seen quite such strong reactions to the subject of death. I'm not sure why this is -- maybe because LnC is fairly light-hearted, whereas some other fandoms are a lot heavier on the angst.

I think you hit it right on the head about the light-hearted nature of LnC one of it endearing qualities to me. I joined here from reading the archives after being a LnC series fan. Of course the series is over 20 years old and Zoom's board and the archives began just after the ending of the series. This means many of the early writers/fans were older than most of the writers these days. My opinion most of the early archive stories are much much less dark than many (most) of the current stories posted here. This is probably due to the darkening of the entertainment (?) world we see today. I mean what is the chance of a "Sleepless in Seattle" being made today in the fashion it was made then? Not very likely I would think. All of this adds up to me often wondering why I am still here...

Originally Posted by Annie B.
My question about deathfic wasn't a spoiler for Panem, by the way. It was a general question that I'd been curious about, since I've seen every one of those reunification scenarios in LnC fanfic. Some of them are canon (faking death, for example, in TOGOM, though it was readily apparent to the audience that Clark wasn't dead). Of course, there's also the reappearance of Luthor, who certainly did appear dead to the audience but was brought back.

I am sorry I thought it might have been and even if it was not I did not want to spoil anyone who had not begun the story. But your clarification confirms my decision not to continue with Panem. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Annie B.
In wider Superman canon (not LnC, but the comics), there was the whole death of Superman storyline, where he appeared dead, and the characters (and readers) mourned, but then it turned out he wasn't quite dead after all. (Of course, DC Comics kills off characters and brings them back so often that it's kind of a joke -- if your favorite character dies, wait a while and they'll be back.)

Probably why I have not read the comics in decades...


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham