Heh, I should have looked here earlier for fellow Castle fans. I knew there were a lot of FoLCs that loved the show, but I think there are even more than I suspected! It was fun to read through this thread -- I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed all the similarities between L&C and Castle. I've been trying to describe it to some FoLC friends who don't watch the show and I'm all, "they're doing their version of the argh! Thankfully without frogs ..." and "At least there was no Mike at the wedding." wink They get it, but of course, not completely.

Jocelyn, if you check back, I'd love to see your fanfic rec list. I'm so totally obsessed with this show, and I think in large part it's because there is SO MUCH AMAZING FANFIC. It reminds me of the heyday of L&C, when there was so much quality stuff to read. If you have a ff.net profile with a list of favorite stories/authors that you'd be willing to PM me, I'd be happy to send you mine in return. Maybe we each have some authors the other hasn't come across yet. (That goes for anyone else who has a rec list; I'd be delighted for new rec's! Please PM me!)

I came to the show through the DVDs, which I'm happy about, especially when I see all the gnashing of teeth in the fandom about the direction of various seasons, waiting through cliffhangers, etc. Brings back so many memories. I lived all that with L&C and while it really was the "time of my life", there is a lot to be said for just enjoying the heck out of a show without stressing about what's going to come next, if/when they will finally get together, etc. I'm trying really hard to stay in that happy place this season, too. Sometimes easier said than done, LOL, but so far, so good.
