Huge Castle fan over here. I got into it after season 4 had aired, but then basically marathon-ed the whole series in about a week. I have developed what I believe to be a healthy obsession with it ever since; fanfiction and tumblr blogging, mostly. If anyone is looking for Castle FF recs, I can offer up a metric tonne that could satisfy.

As I rewatch L&C after nearly a decade away (as evidenced by the last time I posted on these MBs), I'm reminded why I love this show and it's fairly clear to me why Castle appeals to me as well. A lot of similarities in their dynamic and emotional chemistry, if nothing else, to KB and RC. So glad to see that L&C's community is still active and fics are still being written while the favourites of my day are still available to read! (Reading Wendymr's Poison if anyone is interested in reading a classic!)

So glad to be back!