Originally Posted by Darth Michael
EW: Also, Lois wasn't in Vegas.
ER: Yeah, but you ended with Jimmy in Vegas, so the cut was…unexpected?
But I jump back and forth between Metropolis and Las Vegas several times.

I know. The alt-story is funnier, though?
It usually is. smile

EW: Maybe she turned them down and was regretting it.
ER: Like she now regrets not marrying Lex Luthor?
LOIS: Don't regret that. And I'm not working for EPRAD.

EW: But out of all the people in the world to hide out with, why Bender? Why his lawyer?
ER: Who knows good hookers with low standards?
BENDER: I may sell my soul to Luthor for $1000/hr but not my body.
LEX: Even dead men aren't that desperate.

EW: Because in pre-Another Lois, they were best friends ER: /uh/
In Another Lois, Lois and Mayson were best friends before Mayson was killed (just before Lois wakes up in Part 1). Because they didn't have the rivalry about Clark, they became friends. evil Yep. I screwed with Lois's mind on that one.

CLARK: /straightening his tie and swallowing nervously/ Probably best not to make jokes like that while I'm still vulnerable.
ER: But they’re much more fun that way!
[Linked Image]

ER: He signed her over to some Mid-Eastern sheik he thought deserved a go at his bed bunny?
EW: Kal-El? /I know, I know. Old joke/
ER: No, I was going literal…
LOIS: That's not funny.
LEX: From a certain point of view... it is.

EW: So what's the value of a defunct company and a burnt out building, nowadays?
ER: Midtown property? I’d say upper two-digit millions at least?
BENDER: Ooops.

EW: Perhaps Lois is more ethical than other reporters. Perhaps she takes her job in the fourth estate seriously and isn't in it for the financial gain.
ER: That why she’s broke and has to pad her paycheck by working at the Metro Club?
Nah, that's just for kicks.

EW: Who says alt-Clark is lying? Didn't Jenny suggest that he buy Lois a gift?
ER: About the anniversary?
This is CLARK we're talking about here.
CLARK: It's the anniversary of the day Lois didn't call me a 'lunkhead'.
LOIS: I was out sick that day, and I *did* call you a lunkhead, I just did it from home.
CLARK: So, it was the anniversary of the day I kissed her goodbye the third time.

JIMMY: Well, he loves you, doesn't he? /about to die/
JIMBO: The real reason Jimmy leaves Metropolis.
ER: Lois?
That's as good a reason as any.

LOIS: And people say that *I* have vision problems.
PENNY: James Bartholomew Olson. Superman!
CANON CLARK: huh Yeah, I don't get that one either. Maybe people really *don't* look Superman in the face.

ER: He’s quite the grumpy vacationer.
EW: Well, he did leave his bed bunny back at home.
LOIS: *Excuse* me? Bedbunny? I wish! /crying/
Oh, sorry. Snugglebunny?

LOIS: Helping me IS the most important part of any sources' job.
ER: She’s quite full of herself, isn’t she?
CLARK: Um... I decline to answer that question on the grounds that my answer may lead to my death.

LOIS: Geeze. You leak Superman's secret identity once and you're scarred for life.
CLARK: Once?
LOIS: Cat already knew when I told her!
CLARK: Lois, who else did you tell?
LOIS: [Linked Image] Nobody?
PERRY: wave

EW: Isn't it better to rub it in April's face that he's no longer interested in her now that he's a celebrity himself?
ER: Might hit her ego, though. And there’s nothing worse than a depressed model. She might start eating again.
Oh. That's bad. clap

ER: Maybe he could do a book? Lane and Kent – Super Frauds
LOIS: EX-cuse me. *I'm * not a fraud!
CLARK: Erm…Lois? What about *me*!
LOIS: You? You *are* a fraud. So shush it!
What the reader doesn't know won't hurt 'em?

ER: Maybe the fire marshals didn’t know that?
EW: Or maybe Luthor bought them off?
ER: /surprised that Luthor would be that blatant/
Not directly. He would have had one of his underlings do it.
MRS. COX: wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.