Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Yes. Thank you, and please thank your muse for responding so quickly. Much appreciated.
You are welcome. smile

I remember hunching down in front of her and gently calling her name while extracting the papers. But she was gone.
LOIS: Ha-Ha! Fooled ya!
Yup. She really did.

Although, it seems I slept on top of the covers so there's no need to worry about untangling my legs.
Um... Clark? Do you *often* sleep above the covers?
CLARK: *ponders* I'm not sure, I think so ... maybe not .... um, no idea ... AS I'M ASLEEP!!!!

That will never happen, no matter how much I want it. She's made it abundantly clear that I'm only good for two things: work and friendship. And maybe a shoulder to cry on … and possibly a healthy meal every now and again … and …

Okay, so I do have a large role in her life. A large, important role. But it's not the one I really want.
lol and mecry /Rooting for a happy non-angsty ending./
I hate angsty endings and angsty stories ... so you'll definitely get a happy ending.

So … I guess I need to tell her, then. Because I know, now, that there's never going to be any romance, so I need to let go of that dream. All there is left is friendship … and trust. So I need to trust her. It's time. When morning comes, fully, I'll tell her.
Well, I wouldn't say 'never'... and hyper yea! He's planning on telling her. I love this. I love her finding it out on her own, AND him wanting to tell her before he knows that she knows. My favorite kind of reveal.
Great. Glad to give you what you want to see.

It's as if she's a blind woman, trying to figure out what I look like. Maybe that is what she is doing, in some metaphorical sense.
Or maybe she's a blind woman seeing him for the first time.
Absolutely. She's got so much to re-learn about her best friend now.

Awwww. Loved it! Give your muse a kiss. I really enjoyed it. smile
Okay, I will. grin Thanks.

Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
This was beautiful! smile *happy sigh*

One more please? grovel
Hmmm, I'll have to think about that ... but *whispers* there's two more to come ... just not yet!

Originally Posted by LMA
Awww!!!!! I'm a giddy, happy puddle of WAFFY-ness! I-Loved-This! Yes, please give your muse a kiss from me, too sloppy
Okay, but she's gonna get a big head soon if I'm not careful.

I really loved how you switched over to Clark's POV, and how he then discovers her sleeping. It was such a clever way to mirror both stories--to give us a sequel and also keep so much of the feel of the original going.
That was a big problem for me. The first one was seriously introspective, with little actual plot advancement. I wanted the sequel to feel like it belonged to the same overall story, so it needed to be introspective, but it can't be a sequel if there is not further plot advancement. It's kind of an implied thing with sequels. LOL.

Seriously, couldn't have asked for more--thank you! (By the way, when I got on the boards a few minutes ago, I did a double take seeing this posting--thought to myself how the title sounded like KK's sequel, but figured there was no way a sequel would be ready that quickly...then, when I saw that it WAS your sequel, pretty much everything was dropped to read it immediately smile ).
Wow. It's great to know that people are so excited over my story. grin

I also enjoyed knowing that Clark had decided to tell her about being Superman. That night/morning was the perfect time for everything to be 'out there' between them.

Wonderful clap

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
That helped a lot. When I had read the first half or so, I thought you were going to tease us in this story by not having Lois wake up in it at all. But although she didn't say much, what she said was perfect.

Brava, and thank you for writing this sequel.

You're welcome. Sorry for making you think that there'd be no resolution briefly, but hopefully you got over that quickly! smile

Originally Posted by groobie
Squeeeeeeee!!! clap So perfect! The idea that he's going to tell her just because he's given up on her ever thinking of him romantically...dont be quite so sure of that, Clark. wink Her response upon waking up...oh how I love angst-free revealing. smile Brava!
Thanks. So do I. But then ... I think I've written to many now. I need to do an angsty revelation, cause it's getting too boring.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Poor Clark! He's in love with a woman who (he thinks) does not love him in return. If this were true, that would be very very sad.
One of the things that keeps me 'in love' with Superman is the idea of him suffering, so gently, in silence, with his unrequited love ... and then his joy when it IS requited.

Lois is so different here! Sweet and gentle and understanding! Things do look different in the light of the morning!

Beautifully written.
They do. She spent a lot of the night think back and forth, and then fell asleep. Somehow she reconciled everything during that sleep.

Originally Posted by DebbieG
Yes, it helped. smile

I have to echo the others; it was wonderfully written and very sweet.
Thank you.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."