Originally Posted by Morgana
Hi wave

As usual I'm late to the party! So glad your daughter is OK. Grit in the eye can be painful.

I can see Lois sitting in the dark, watching the floating specimen of perfection, wrestling with her decisions. No way is life going to go back to the way it was before that night.
Definitely not. And Lois realises that.

Hmmm, maybe ... peep

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Well, this first one sounds like Clark thinking about revealing his secret to Lois when she's frozen. shock The second one? No idea. Probably best to let your subconscious play around with the idea of making a sequel and if it happens, it happens (and we'll all be hyper ). If it doesn't, it doesn't. But at least we got this great piece.
So ... I did let my subconscious play ... I'm thinking that maybe it was a bad idea!

Originally Posted by Mike M
I also am glad everything is working out on the RL front with your daughter.

I really liked the story as far as you took it and of course as it stands we can finish it ourselves the way we would like.
Exactly ... finish it however you want.

Having read it three times now i think you got Lois perfectly.
Three times? WOW! I didn't realize anyone would re-read it so many times already.

She wants to be mad; she wants to have him (Clark) but is afraid of what that could mean (Superman) and whether she could handle it; she also is in awe that he would latch onto her of all of the people in the world to be his best friend; she loves him (especially the Clark him) but hates what he has done to her. The thing that Clark (and us honestly) loves about Lois is her complexity and her passion both of which are evident in this piece in spades.
Yeah. Glad I got all that across in such a short piece.

I kind of agree with Virginia, a sequel would be nice.
Yeah it would be... hmmm.

On one hand I would prefer one that resolves the mental crisis that Lois is having and on the other hand like the way it is left open.
Well, you can't have it both ways, you know. (or maybe you can ... *winks* see what you think)

A prequel (Clark's introspective view as you mentioned) would be very interesting from the other side of the coin.
I considered it, but in the end, you get a tiny look at this in the sequel, rather than they whole thing being about it.

But as Virginia said, if it doesn't happen then we have a nice little introspective piece here.

Thanks and great job.

Thanks. smile

Originally Posted by LMA
Well, I totally appreciate the story as what it is--it was an amazing introspection, I really like stories like this--but, because I liked it SO much wink , can I put a few more votes into having a sequel? (Like 3 or 4 votes--to maybe sway you? grovel notworthy ).
I dare not count up the actual votes for a sequel, especially when I start to include the posting on ksite and fanfiction.net.

I'm just dying to hear what she tells Clark, see how/when she tells Clark, and then to see where they go from there? I loved all the conflicting emotions, all the layers, that you wrote into Lois as she was trying to come to terms with her discovery. Seeing how it would all play out between the two if them would be quite interesting...

BUT, even without a sequel, it was an awesomely, great story--taking place during a huge moment in their relationship/friendship clap

Thanks for a great read!
Thank you.

Originally Posted by DebbieG
I liked this very much, and it’s perfectly balanced and self-contained.
That's what I thought. But everyone else seemed to think it needed more. *puts hands on hips and huffs*

I do admit I’d also like to see how things go once Clark wakes up. Does Lois tell him what she saw, or does she keep it to herself? So it would be nice to have a sequel. smile
Maybe you'll find out.

For all those of you who were after a sequel ...

In the Light of the Morning.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."