Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
You do realize that now you need a sequel, right? wink
Um, I didn't plan one. This was just a way to pass the time. [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
I second Queen of the Capes. This cries out for a sequel. (Well done, by the way.)

I hope your daughter is all right.

She's fine. It was some grit in her eye, from the day before, that seemed to be still there, or maybe had scratched her eye. She was in a bit of distress, but it was all okay in the end. Except for the gel that has to be put in her eye 4 times a day to keep away any infection! It's a real fight to get her to keep still, I can tell you.

Okay. A second mention of a sequel, in only the second reply. Hmmm.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
First of all, I hope your daughter is okay. I'm assuming since you took the time to post that she is. hyper that I'm not the only one who carries around a notebook and pen should inspiration strike when I'm bored.
I've had a notebook in my handbag for years... grin

What a great introspective piece. I can just picture this happening. The conflict. The indecision. Spot on. Plus, the curiosity. Now that she knows, she cannot stop watching him even when she makes the decision to do so, because maybe he'll do something new.
LOIS: Well, he's asleep. I can get away with staring ... and he's never going to know!

Does he know how I feel?
CLARK: dizzy Um... that I'm a lunkhead?
LOIS: Well, yeah, that too.

Does he know how much he means to me? How much I depend on him … rely on him?
CLARK: Me or Superman?
LOIS: BOTH! Lunkhead!

Does he know that he's the reason I arrive at work early and then look up every time the elevator dings?
CLARK: shock She does?
LOIS: UM. [Linked Image]

Does he know that I purposefully let tonight's evening working session linger a bit too long? Does he know that I only pretended to be asleep on the couch?
CLARK: wallbash She's on to me?
LOIS: Um, yeah. *nods* That's it. I'm investigating. (Do you think he believed me?)

Disappointment that I wasn't following him into the bedroom.
Wouldn't that given her faux sleeping act away?

CLARK: Lois! You sleepwalk?
LOIS: (mumbling) Is this the way to the interrogation room, inspector?

How can I, selfishly, hope he will wake and see me here … stride over and take me in his arms, bringing me comfort all night?

He doesn't have all night to hold me. He could be needed at any time. The world might call him away.

Away from his bed.

Away from me.
LOIS: Yeah, I'm crying too.

I untangled my arms and legs and turn to climb out of his cushioned window seat. I'm ready to go back to the living room, to pretend the last half-hour never happened … at least until morning.

But he's drifting down. Slowly, back down to the bed. And I'm once again stunned.
Uh-oh. He woke up. shock Now what?

I should wake him. I will.

Oh. He's still asleep. What if he wakes up before soon hits?
I've no idea! What do you think?

Very enjoyable.

I, too, would like to know what happens when "soon" happens or if Clark wakes before it. smile
Thanks. I really don't know what will happen when "soon" comes. There was no thought of a continuation when I wrote this, just a study in Lois' internal thoughts.

Originally Posted by KenJ
Brava! I'm just sorry that I didn't have a chance to beta this and enjoy it before anyone else.
Ahh, so that's the reason you want to beta. grin You like to see things before everyone else. LOL.

Originally Posted by Sydney

First, I hope your daughter is okay.

It' really a great story .... and it needs a sequel! Please?

My favorite sentence?
the floating specimen of perfection

Thanks Sydney. She's fine. And, yeah, it's a good sentence. grin

Lots of votes for a sequel. I'll have to think about it. I wondered about doing a similar introspective piece from Clark's pov when he's putting the blanket on Lois ... but that wouldn't give you all the answers you are after. I then came up with two possible ideas ... based on the titles - In the Dead of the Night, or In the Light of the Morning. But I'm not feeling either of them at the moment.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."