Darth Michael: Yea! hyper I still have a reader left who likes banter!

JIMMIES: Better than the x-rated cinema one street over.
LOIS: Okay! Who gave the Jimmys xray vision?

Translation: Clark, my car is big enough to ferry around a whole bunch of rugrats. Let’s get the process started.
CLARK: dance
LOIS: /takes away Kryptonian dictionary, replaces it with Lois Lane Dictionary/
CLARK: Translation: This car is the right size for using as a camper while on the run from any number of people who might want to kill Lois.

ER: /laughing at Clark's subsequent discomfort/ ‘required’?
LOIS: He doesn’t love me /crying/
CLARK: Um... I meant 'required' in a good way?

It’s not even my fault, this time! Only, what’s Jenny going to say that her beau is shacking up with a Mrs. Robinson?
"Get the hell back to Vegas, my little Superman!"
LOIS: /wincing/ Oh, that's just wrong.
CLARK: /grimacing/ You don't have to tell me.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 190
“A showgirl?” Jack asked hopefully.

“A hooker?” Jimbo said, equally full of hope.

“Take that back!” Jimmy warned, moving towards his cousin.
Oh boy.
JIMMY: mad Jenny is NOT a boy!
CLARK: Just talked all night, did you?
JIMMY: [Linked Image]

JIMMY: You bring home *one* blow-up doll and you’re marked for life.
clap Yep. I went with the blow up doll in Vegas joke. [Linked Image]

No, actually it’s because she now looks like the Lois he has the hots for.
He's already felt guilty about that. Should it continue to be a nagging festering wound?

Well…he did once almost throw up into her mouth, so…
CLARK: That was because of the chocolate!
LOIS: And many months ago!

Like supper floating back up?
No, more like toes leaving the floor.

Maybe if he kissed Zara?
Zara does not make an appearance within this boundaries of this story.

So they wouldn’t have *another* reason to call her a whore?
PERRY: [Linked Image] I mean, NO! So, it doesn't undermine her reputation as a reporter.
NUNK: lol Too late!

He got a thing for redheads?
GIBBS: /wave/
Finally catching up on S8. peep I really don't have patience for shows that aren't on Netflix's instant list.
Also, I figured Lois couldn't always be impersonating Mayson.

So, she is an…umm…what’s the word for a woman who is entertaining multiple romantic partners at the same time?
CAT: Empowered?
JIMMY: Pretty?
MARTHA: A modern woman?
MARTHA: What? The description didn't include married.

No agreeing, huh?
LOIS: I don't think any of Clark's personas can be described as "the smart one."

And what when she gets back and is all hot and bothered?
CLARK: How can she be hot and bothered? Space is cold.
LOIS: [Linked Image] He's got a nice body.

Enough time for her to get lonapped, pulled down into the sewers, and taken on a route to the nearest submarine?
But she's in disguise!

That it was nine o’clock?
Actually, closer to 6 pm., but 'yes'.

Something with at least 30% sugar?
LOIS: Let’s see…I’ve got the whole-wheat super-health muesli and the freshly pressed orange syrup. What’s next…
Ho-hos, DingDongs, and Twinkies?

Isn’t he sweet?
LOIS: /marks checklist/ Follows instructions.

Isn’t she adorable?
LOIS: I like to think so.
So, Clark isn't a handy, dandy Big Blue Boyscout?

Accidentally on purpose?
SUPERMAN: [Linked Image]

She decided to forgive him and put on a silk kimono?
That sounds about right.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 190
Lois laughed. “That’s good, because I hear he doesn’t do that kind of charity anymore.”

His eyes widened with alarm at that thought.
Staking her claim?
No, the alarm was at the thought of going through another charity auction. Lois had been correct.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 190
“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone paid her to try and seduce Superman.”
Wouldn’t that make her a hooker?
IT-Girl: High-priced callgirl, if you please.
LEX: Money wasn't exchanged. Jewelry yes, but no money. So, it doesn't count.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 190
It was a date. She was sure that Clark would have forgiven her by then for what she had set up to keep him safe.
/scratches head/
Yep, Lois has another trick up her sleeve.

Maybe even cut off a tab?
CLARK: shock /swallows/ Um... no thank you.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 190
She could tell Clark wasn’t ready for intimacy. Why did her mouth always work before her brain could stop it?
ER: /wonders if Lois and Clark's brains switched bodies/
Um... because she leaps before she leaps?

Maybe he put the mask on several women whom he then shot in front of Superman?
And that wouldn't have traumatized him?

There's an 'n' too much in there.
EW: Thanks. Fixed.
CLARK: So, I shouldn't have drawn a diagram here? /crumples paper/ my bad.

She in a hurry? Also, probably wise, to make sure. But considering the ‘keep him safe’ thing, is she going to green-k him and put him on the shuttle with her?
Does Lois set the departure times and days for EPRAD shuttles? How is using Green-K on Clark going to keep him safe?
CLARK: Exactly, because if we have sex while I'm suffering from Green K exposure, *I* could very well end up being the one who dies.
LOIS: Say, *what?!*
CLARK: Sorry, 'make love'.
LOIS: No, let's go back to the scenario where one of us dies if we're intimate.
CLARK: oops. Oh, don't you worry about that, Lois. That look in your eye tells me it isn't going to happen any time in the near future.
LOIS: Why, Look, Clark. You've become psychic like me.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.