Awesome--great part! I can-not-wait to see where this is going, KK smile

Lets see....Lois' reaction to Cindy? Well, I love that Clark and Cindy didn't kiss, thanks to the dropped bowl of popcorn and Lois' scream--but really, I think Clark would have gotten away in the nick of time, regardless. But yes, the fact that Lois intervened--that is GREAT! I really like how Clark is tuning into her--noticing her heartbeat and her breathing--and really, how natural it feels for him to do so.

Favorite line from Cindy:
“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.

Think through this implies a lot about the feelings of your best friend wink. Lois' interruption, Lois' glare at Cindy, Lois' breathing/heartbeat, the heated debate in the kitchen, Cindy storming out...stating the confusion. It's all right there in front of you (but the story is still'll be awhile, I suppose, till pieces are put together thumbsup ).

So glad that Brian is out of the picture dance. A coffee date based on false pretenses. Opera? Traditional woman? Yikes--yeah Lois, if you are honestly going to try to find someone here (and come on, you have Clark right in front of you, he's perfect for you wink ), do it based on what you really like to do and who you really are. Otherwise....there's just no point. I'm glad that Lois didn't lead Brian on as the date was ending, and honestly ended any possibility of the two of them getting together again.

Jenny. Yeah--I just don't know what's going to happen here. I would not blame Clark for being really (really) mad at Lois for all the meddling. So much awkwardness our poor Clark has been through already in this story--and really, he's handled it all pretty well. Part of me sees him going on the date--since it's planned and so as not to disappoint Jenny--she's done nothing wrong. Part of me sees him meeting up with Jenny, explaining the situation, and just doing a friend thing for the night. I don't at all see him leading Jenny on by getting into a false relationship, it's not his style. And I can't see him actually falling for Jenny, cause that boy is in love with Lois. So again, back to the beginning of my babble--I just don't know what's going to happen dizzy. (But I am dying to find out!!!!! grovel hail clap ).

Loving the story!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~