Brian was a piece of work. But since both of them had lied on their profiles, they both deserve what they got. He should have gotten the hint that Opera wasn't really one of her main loves.

Opera? Traditional woman? Ugh, Lois. That ain't you, girl. Why would you want a man who couldn't love you for who you are, instead of who you think he'd want you to be? Yes, the last thing you want is another Lex Luthor.

Oh, yes. I have this strange feeling that Clark will turn the tables on Lois soon and prove to her that she was wrong. (In wanting him to be with someone else.) I hope he doesn't end up using anyone just to make Lois jealous. I always thought what he had done to Mayson was slightly out of character, leading her on like that. It was understandable only if you consider he's blissfully unaware how much she liked him and that he didn't want to hurt her feelings, just as he did with Cindy. (Well, just the latter part with Cindy. She let him know FULL well that he was welcome to her.)

“Cindy?” he called out carefully. She turned.

“Sorry, Clark. Guess I got my wires crossed. From both of you.” She turned to look at her big cousin just standing in the kitchen area, then she left and shut the door behind her.
I was a tad surprised that he called out to Cindy as she left. I would think he'd be more relieved. But, as always, Clark is a gentleman. Also, did Lois tell Cindy that her behavior towards Clark was unwelcome or that she was coming on too strongly? That's not going to bode well for Lois and Cindy's relationship.

Poor Clark. Poor Jenny. She thinks she has a date with a handsome and kind man who is actually interested in her. I hope Clark will be kind and not tell her that his best friend had set up this date and his profile. His best friend who was acting less and less like a friend should. I hope he has a good time on his date and becomes friends with Jenny just to spite Lois.

Perhaps he should pay her back in kind and set her up with some lousy dates. I hear that Ralph's still available. What about Jimmy? Has he found his special someone yet? Being a good 5+ years younger than Clark, he hasn't even reached 30.

I’m going to have to speak to her about this soon. Need to bring up The Pact. He rested his forehead on his hand. I can’t believe I’m doing this. How did she even get me to agree to The Pact all those years ago? And now I’m the one that’s going to try and enforce it.
BAD idea, Clark. VERY bad idea. If you want Lois, and you do, you need to prove to her that you want her despite the pact. Best thing to do is to cancel it, AND THEN ask her out on a date. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.