Originally Posted by Darth Michael
I was up late last night completing the final touches of Part 182 for betas.
confused But…But… you require a 5-part buffer for posting! eek
Let's just say Part 183 is written but not in the computer.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
LOIS: Please, Clark, the differences are huge and clear. I am allowed to lie to everyone, but everyone must be entirely honest with me.
CLARK: huh Um... sure, Lois. Whatever you say.
He’s not very smart, is he?
He's not very smart, because he doesn't want to argue with an admitted liar?

Both nights at the Metro Club. The one with Winninger. Angel.
Angel was S2.
LOIS: And I dressed like an $5000 Hooker at the Metro club, apparently.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Is it just me, or does Lois look to have grown back her traditional bob for the wedding?
Um... IN the photo supplied by the ER, doesn't Lois's hair look longer than the short haircut she's supposed to have at this point?

[Linked Image] What if someone did a mashup between INPY and StGTTWNK (BTW: Worse episode title ever). Wedding Destroyer accidentally kills Clois and it's the only the strange smell of fried frog legs that clues Clark in to the switcheroo. [Linked Image]

In case he strays after all? Or she thinks he strays, at least.
So, it's only the assumption of guilt which is allowed to condemn a man nowadays?

CLARK: That's NOT justice!

That Lois doesn’t sleep with the story?
LOIS: I *have* to sleep with my story. Otherwise, my roommate would steal it out of the typewriter. And even so it was iffy. I swear, she tried to get it even while I was sleeping with it.

CLARK: Hey, Lois! [Linked Image] See! We can't sleep together. In your three rules, you aren't allowed to sleep with your story. So, either you give up writing about Superman or we can't sleep together. Pick one.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
LINDA KING: It was? blush Oooops. I must have been busy with my Math Professor that day.
LOIS: There was a doubt?

He got no idea what a guy with a dense molecular structure and good teeth can do to a man, does he?
Spit really good.

CLARK: Yeah, I'm not biting THAT. razz Who knows what I might catch in my weakened state.

No, I think Lois wears the knightly armor in this one.
CLARK: I’m a man in tights!
Touche! [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
Well…he did run from two brides.
Zara and Lana? Maybe he doesn't like women whose name end in "a".
And Antonia (twice). Miranda. Linda. Arianna.
Technically, it was Antoinette (ends with "e"). But you forgot Diana. Maysona. Bonnie(a) Parker. And Mindyia. peep

Hmm… Virginia?
Duh! You've read what I've done to him. evil

Hence the ‘sic’.
So, by "sic" you mean the error is intentional. I always wondered about that.

They are quite stringent against littering ever since Superman cleaned up the streets of bigger crimes.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
That's one vote for Lois and Clark to wait some more time before they get married.
Er…if they do it *after* they’re married, they’d consummate their marriage…
Oh! So, you want a traditional modern marriage. Sex beforehand, but not after?

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
They might actually get Lois for man slaughter!
For killing the vase?
For knocking Lex into the vase. Lex falls to the ground. Heavy vase topples, smashes on top of his, leaves him kind of damaged.
The vase missed.
BENDER: Destruction of personal property! That vase was worth $425.

LOIS: Really? It was hideous. Anyway, I just hit Lex's jaw. HE killed the vase, not me.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by EW
MUSE: Thank you. <does like Anakin in Revenge of the Sith>

Oh, dear. Now, what will I be inspired to write? <is worried about new evil inspirations>
MUSE: Evil inspiration? But comments are love therefore the more comments the more I'm inspired to give Lois and Clark loving scenes. But if what you guys want it more torture... [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.