Caught up...a little bit of smile and frown. I really enjoyed having chapters in front of me, ready to read (as each cliffhanger approached). But being ready to go, when #9 is up--yeah, that feels pretty good, too.

Whoa!!! Did not see Ching as the donor whatsoever! No matter how many times I spun the story--and thought about who might die and just how Clark could (possibily) survive...yeah, I don't think I ever would have come up with this scenario--You.Are.Good clap

I feel horrible for Zara--without her people, without her planet, and without her husband...raising a new baby. Wow, such a sad outcome for her.

BUT--feeling a lot of relief for Lois and Clark, Martha and Jonathan, and everyone...(if the transplant goes well, that is).

Looking forward to the next part! hyper

Last edited by LMA; 05/30/14 08:51 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~