Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
This part started off with a wonderfully, wistfully, sweet letter from Clark to his son, and ended with him rescuing other parents' sons and daughters. You succeeded in tricking me. I had thought for sure that the rescue would trigger a heart attack, but then breathed a sigh of relief when he seemed to come out of it fine. And then you gave me a verbal sucker-punch with the delayed attack.

What almost scares me more than the actual heart attack is Clark's sense of urgency. ("We need to get to the hospital. Now.") I can't think off-hand of any other time when he was so commanding when not in his Superman persona. He himself must be beyond petrified.

I know it's got to be killing him to have to step back from his duties.
Actually, it's the re-entering his duties that appears to be killing him...

I hold out hope... Not only is he not dead yet, he isn't even mostly dead. All the same, I will be on tenterhooks awaiting the next part.


Hi, Lynn! wave

Wahoo! Glad I could get someone with the bait and switch! It tickles my muse. Clark is completely terrified. He knows that this could be the end for him, but he also desperately doesn't want it to be. Glad you enjoyed the letter to his son.

Next part will be coming soon! (Debating about posting it post midnight, to keep my Friday-ish schedule.)

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon