I was able to see my story when I removed ALL time restrictions, per Michael's suggestion. I had been searching for anything older than one year. And even though that story is far older than that, it hadn't shown up. But when I didn't have any age restrictions at all and when I searched for the word "Clone" in the subject line, it did show up.

I guess it will take a while to get used to the board's idiosyncracies. <Insert old huh graemlin here>


p.s.: Weird. I hadn't seen any graemlin list, but I just typed : huh : (without the spaces) and saw that that did invoke the relevant graemlin. Interesting. Upon closer inspection, I see that the first item in the formatting toolbar available in full reply mode does give one access to the old graemlins. I guess this just illustrates my point that the new version of the MB will take a little getting used to.

Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 04/27/14 12:41 PM.