I've said this before, but what ruined Superman Returns it was the casting of Lois Lane. Kate Bosworth was much too young to play the highly successful reporter who had a son, while Superman was off planet. It would have meant that the Daily Planet reporter had been top of her field by the time she was 17 (Kate was only 23 when the movie was released). It was ludicrous. If the plot hadn't hinged on the fact that Lois was supposed to be a top reporter BEFORE Superman left for Krypton, but was just a young woman Clark had met before he left (perhaps in college), who fought her way to the top of her field while being a single mother, that would have been one thing. But it was totally unbelievable that she was supposed to be a 30 some-odd y.o. woman. Sorry. No. That character was less plausible than a man who flies.

Other than her age, Lois was portrayed as whiny and weak. She wasn't inspiring, or witty, or strong, only bitter. If Lois had ended up a single mother, you've got to believe that she would have been more a Mad Dog than our Lois was in the Pilot with a tender side we would see with her son. This Lois had been broken by Superman. This Lois *needed* a man to make her complete (hence "Richard"). This wasn't a character we could love.

Parker Posey was great as Kitty Kowalski, but she would have been a better choice as Lois Lane than Kate Bosworth was. She has both edginess and beauty. She would have been able to show anger at Superman's disappearance and reappearance without whining. She's a better actress (sorry, Kate, stick to rom-coms), and could have held her own against the ageless man of steel (not to mention she would have been the right age!).

I must say that Kevin Spacey did make an excellent Lex Luthor.

Brandon Routh was okay at Superman, but seemed to be copying Christopher Reeves as Clark. He needed to make the character his own. He didn't do that (but I don't think that was entirely his fault, since I hear that what the producers wanted.) After seeing a realistic Clark in LnC, it was sad to see that they went back to this old goofball model. Gee, Clark you disappeared when Superman did, and return a week before he does... five years later. What a coincidence! :rolleyes:

The continuity also was lacking. It made no sense that Superman would go on a 5 year trip to Krypton "on the spur of the moment" to see if anyone had survived. I'm sorry but I was already bored 10 minutes into the film. [Linked Image] He couldn't take 5 minutes to talk to Lois before he left? Please. :rolleyes: What a jerk!

It made no sense that there was now a Kryptonite island. So, now there's a no-mans-land where SM can't fly? razz >> but I've got my own epic to work on. I'll hand my club to the next person ready to take a whack at that lame movie.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.