Re part 18 - interesting, I hadn't realised you were mixing the canons that way.
Yep, Marcus, as will become evident, I really didn't know where I was going when I started this fic. It turned into a big sprawling cross-canon saga. (There are no page limits on-line. wink )

Lex changing? Yep, there's certainly quite a difference between the Michael Rosenbaum Lex of "Smallville" and the Gene Hackman Lex of "Superman: The Movie". Their portrayals are almost diametrically opposite.

Seems an odd way for the Smallville version of Lex to behave, much more the movie version.
Umm... let's see.... Clark and Lois sent Lex to prison in between chapters, and Lex got slapped around enough to have a personality change?

(OK, yes, that was lame.)