I think this week has portrayed the difference in how a person can turn out as an adult. First we have Casey who is totally selfish and self-centered. She (whether she killed her daughter or not) did not seem to even give her missing and then dead child much more than a passing thought. The second adult we saw on television was Jaycee who was kidnapped as an 11 year old and was not rescued until she was almost 30. She had unspeakable things happen to her and gave birth twice to her kidnapper's children. She is a loving mother and refuses to live with the hate that would be normal for anyone who lived as she has lived. Jaycee's mother's biggest regret was that she has forgotten to kiss her that morning before she left for work. The difference in the two young ladies, their parents reactions, and the outcome is night-and-day. Wish we could can the second reaction and ban the first.
