One of the main problems was, the prosecution couldn't establish a motive. I mean the motive of, 'She was a young mother who wanted her partying lifestyle and Caylee got in the way', just doesn't fly. Her ex-fiancee made a good point when he said that she had that lifestyle before Caylee died. She lived with her parents, didn't work, they paid for everything and she went out partying all the time. Caylee didn't change any of that.

I'm not saying that there wasn't reasonable doubt on premeditated murder but to acquit her of ALL the charges except for lying is not true to our justice system at all. To me, there was sufficient evidence to charge her with at least aggravated child abuse - she was the last person to see Caylee alive, there was evidence of a dead body in the trunk of her car, she abandoned her car, and she lied about where she was for a month. No brainer in my opinion.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw