I guess it just seems like an overly-complicated solution to the problem for me - it just seems so much simpler to put 'complete' in the TOC itself.
That is certainly easier. And I would not be against it at all. The flip side, though, is that a potential reader would have to open the thread to see whether or not the story was complete. With an icon, they wouldn't need to do that.

To be honest, I don't care a whole lot about this for myself -- I don't read nfic and I will either read a newer work here as it is being posted and will read the older works on the archive. I'm just making these suggestions for the benefit of those who use the TOC. Whatever is decided is fine by me.

IIRC, the general FAQ comes with the mbs package. It wasn't generated by the Admins, it's the standard FAQ that comes with the mbs.
<insert a graemlin of a light going on over a smiley face here> Aha! Now I understand! Thanks! smile
