
About a month ago, I went to hear a lecture by a man who used to belong to a rather hard-core Christian sect, but he has now left it. I expected him to talk about his time in the sect and why he joined it and how he left, but instead he devoted almost his entire lecture to hailing the accuracy of evolution and attacking the fallacies of ID. I was more than a little bored and had a hard time concentrating, but I remember two things that he said, that I would like to ask you about, Vicki.

First, this man said that proponents of ID in the United States had taken ID to court to have it accepted as a fully scientific theory that could be taught in American public schools on an equal footing with evolution. But instead the judge had ruled that the proponents of ID had not managed to present any compelling scientific evidence to bolster their claims, so that, therefore, ID did not deserve to be treated as a scientific theory. Do you know anything about this, Vicki?

The second thing I remember from this lecture is that the lecturer claimed that ID proponents had taken a book that promoted creationism and simply exchanged the word "God" every time it appeared in the text with words like "creator" or "intelligent designer". The lecturer thus claimed that a book promoting ID was basically identical to a book promoting creationism. Do you know anything about this, Vicki?
