Originally posted by CC Aiken:
A really long time ago, David, you said:
There's no such thing as 'late' - everybody else is just early!
Here's hoping you truly meant it, because it's been weeks and weeks since Clark escaped the cage and fell through Lois's door, broken and hurt and wearing the cape.
Of course I meant that.

I'm amazed and grateful and... amazed that you'd leave fdk after so long. Did I mention that I'm amazed? Add 'touched' in there too. Because... wow. Thank you for taking the time after this long. smile

In a word, finally, as tardy as I am: wonderful.
In a word: ... Ok, after reading this story you probably wouldn't believe I can't reply in a word, but... I can't. I'm just... amazed. And very glad you enjoyed it. smile

This is completely different, original, refreshing, smart, so skilfully rendered. It feels like... watching something under strobe lighting... if that makes a bit of sense. The way the lights flicker off and on so fast your eyes can't follow fluid movement, but see the quick cuts instead.
I'm not quite sure that' a compliment, since I get images of my high school science teacher running around espousing the wonders of strobe lighting and parabolic motion, flitting around in my head, but... I *am* going to take it as one, so, thank you. smile

That's how this reads. And that's what makes this so memorable. There is no time to slow down, the events just happen and keep happening, and the way you crafted the tension by chopping up the words and sentences into images and fractured thoughts is just... ok, I've used 'wonderful'... um... really excellent.
Before I babble on... thanks. I'm very glad you enjoyed it. smile

Thank you for such a great read!

Now... how's that sequel coming along?

Thank you for such great comments!

And... erm... that sequel. Well... the sequel, it seems, is being pushed back.

I wont make excuses, but... ok, I *will* make excuses.

There's the fundraiser story and the back up fundraiser story, in case I decide not to run with the first, the story I've wanted to start for a while, and the TOGOM adaptation someone might have strongly hinted at... And... and... I'll get right on it.

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters