A really long time ago, David, you said:
There's no such thing as 'late' - everybody else is just early!
Here's hoping you truly meant it, because it's been weeks and weeks since Clark escaped the cage and fell through Lois's door, broken and hurt and wearing the cape.

That image was so great, so vivid and shocking, I didn't see how I'd be able to wait until part 2.

(There's a kind of irony here, in that it took me until today to read parts 2-4 of this incredibly fast-paced, doesn't give you a minute to breathe, fic. I totally see that.)

In a word, finally, as tardy as I am: wonderful.

This is completely different, original, refreshing, smart, so skillfully rendered. It feels like... watching something under strobe lighting... if that makes a bit of sense. The way the lights flicker off and on so fast your eyes can't follow fluid movement, but see the quick cuts instead.

That's how this reads. And that's what makes this so memorable. There is no time to slow down, the events just happen and keep happening, and the way you crafted the tension by chopping up the words and sentences into images and fractured thoughts is just... ok, I've used 'wonderful'... um... really excellent.

Thank you for such a great read!

Now... how's that sequel coming along?


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
