You want to feed you're authors lies, go ahead. Noone can handle honesty at these boards!!
<sigh> DS, just because others don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean they are lying. They simply disagree. It may be difficult for someone to understand that others actually genuinely like a story when they don't, but it has been known. wink I don't believe there ever has been a time on this planet when 100% of people agreed on anything 100%. Tastes differ. And if you're going to go through the world expecting (and demanding) that everyone agrees with what you like and telling them they are lying when they don't, then you're going to be doing a heck of a lot of arguing. goofy

If you can't handle people not sharing your point of view gracefully, then that's really your problem, rather than anyone else's.

If you don't like the way things are done on these mbs, there are plenty of other forums on the net for you to hang out in which may suit you better. And certainly, from other posts you've made in other threads since you joined, you don't really seem to be having fun here.

Once again - as has been pointed out to you already - the problem people are having with your posts (as in other folders you've posted in) isn't what you are saying, but the way you are expressing yourself. You're coming off as rude and belligerant. If you moderated your tone to something a little more friendly and respectful of others, you would find other posters would respond in kind. smile

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers